Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Halloween Fun!

Halloween night was a little crazy. I got to do it all myself again because Daryl was on the Big Island and couldn't get an early flight home. We went to the trunk or treat at 6:00 which hardly had anyone there. When we were ready to leave my car wouldn't start so I had to find jumper cables and then it almost still wouldn't start. Daryl got back about that time and came to the church and helped us get it started. Then we went home and I took the kids trick or treating for a bit and then Daryl took the older 3 to a haunted house at the school behind our house, while I got Kylyn ready for bed. Another lonely Halloween, but thank goodness it's over.


Livingston Family News said...

Rhonda, Sorry your night was crazy but your kids look so cute...Miss you girlfriend!!!

Rogers said...

From the pictures of your kids you can't tell it was a crazy night. I am glad halloween is over! Your kids are adorable. costumes look great.

Larson's said...

All of our Halloween's were missing something. Eachother. We had fun but it wasn't the same without you. Jordyn's missing teeth were perfect for her costume. Cute! They all looked so cute! Miss you!

Larson's said...

Oh, I loved your video! Great musice!

Jennifer Tassainer said...

Your kids looked so cute! I can't wait til you guys come back because we missed you at our big Halloween party! It just wasn't the same without you guys! We're so happy Raylene's having a baby so you get to come visit!!!! :)